The conference is aimed at bringing together theoretical and experimental physicists and mathematicians specialised in the broad number of subject areas linked to the new technologies including quantum technologies, artificial intelligence, nanomaterials, photonics, microfluidics, topology, spintronics, superconductivity and superfluidity. This small size event is reserved for a limited number of leading experts each accompanied by 1-2 postdocs. In addition to talks, time will be reserved for brainstorming sessions and round-tables on selected topic of modern science.
Conference chairman
Abrikosov center for Theoretical Physics, Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics
Organizing committee
Medical Biophysics Center of Havana university, Cuba
Plenary talks
Invited talks
Please, fill the form
All the conference participants are requested to pay a registration fee of 600 (VAT not included) euro per a person by a bank transfer to
HLS Hypertech Laser Systems GmbH
The address is Maria-Goeppert Str. 1, 23562 Lübeck, Germany
Bank details IBAN: DE77230901420051991810
Bank name: Volksbank Lübeck
Bank Address: Klingenberg 1-5, 23552 Luebeck, Germany
The registration fee is to be spent on the support of Cuban participants, rental of the conference hall, conference excursion and banquet, conference materials and secretariat.
Hotel Melia Varadero, Varadero, Cuba. , 14-19 April 2025.
The Melia Varadero hotel is an all inclusive resort that provides a great choice of restaurants for any taste. We strongly recommend all the conference participants to stay at Melia Varadero. Those who will still opt for staying elsewhere will be requested by the Melia hotel to pay a day-visitor charge that ranges from 27 to 57 USD per day depending if a free lunch is included or not.
The conference excursion will take us to the famous Beliamar cave. Please take your snorkelling equipment.
The one page abstract must be created using the text editor Microsoft Word (doc or docx).
Page parameters – А4 (210х297); all margins – 2 cm, font - Times New Roman, 12; paragraph -1.25 cm; line spacing - one and a half intervals; alignment - in width; pictures in the file; Microsoft Equation must be used for formulas.
All those interested to participate at the ICSNT'2025 and present a talk/poster are kindly invited to send as soon as possible an abstract to the conference secretary, Dr. Stella Kavokina.